Thursday, January 10, 2008

Michelle's U.s History Immigration Blog

What motivates immigrants to come to the United States (today)? Consider what they lose and what they can gain in your argument.
I believe immigrants come to the United States for a better life. Whether its for a better job, more freedom, or escaping a war in their own country. The United States of America has approximately 1,000,000 immigrants a year since 2000. So that is an obvious fact that America is a very powerful and free country. You have freedom of speech, religion, and education for any gender. There are untold amounts of things that these immigrants could be leaving behind. Possibly family, friends, houses and anything that could have meaning in their life, but in the long run it could be worth it. It's a life changing experience that many people come to love.
If I was to ever move or immigrate to a different country, it would most likely be for economic reasons because in America you have all the freedom you need or can handle. But it is very possible that a different country could have a better job for me. Like fashion in Paris or technology in Japan. It all depends on what it is you want to do.


carrie said...

Outstanding details to defend your arguments. Very thorough arguments.

Do you think Americans have too much freedom?

A few small errors (mostly spelling) that I can help you fix to earn maximum points. As is you earned 17/20 points.

Victoria Slaboda said...

I agree with Mrs. Seigmund, a very well thought out post indeed. I especially liked your closing statement.