Thursday, May 15, 2008

Living History Interview

Living History Interview Assignment
I was asking my dad these questions about when he was growing up.

Q: Did your view on the Vietnam War differ from your parent’s?
A: Yes, actually my parents were pro-war but most of the children throughout my generation were against the war. My brothers, my sister and I were against the war.

Q: What was your reaction to Martin Luther King’s assassination?
A: I didn’t have much of a reaction to the assassination of Martin Luther King; I was pretty young when he was shot, so I didn’t really know what was going on. I saw it on T.V. and my family was upset by it, but I just didn’t understand until later on when I was older.

Q: What was it like growing up during the civil rights movement?
A: I wasn’t very old during the Civil Rights Movement, which was around the time of Martin Luther King. It was very different after desegregation, but I don’t remember much before that.

Q: What new technologies from when you were young do you thing influenced the new technologies today?
A: Computers and TVs have defiantly become more high tech then when they first came out. I would have to say that computers have influenced the new age more than anything else. Now almost everything that we use is somehow powered by a computer.

Q: How did the assassination of John F. Kennedy influence your household and town?
A: The assassination of J.F.K. defiantly influenced my town and family. Everybody was pretty much in a state of mourning after he died.

Q: During the 60’s and 70’s when drugs were taking over, was it easy to stay away, or easier to just do it?
A: It really just depended on the group of friends you hung out with. It was easier for me because my friends were not really into drugs; we were more interested in sports.

Q: Where you every a part of a movement, protest, or riot; if so which one?
A: No, but in grade school up to high school, we would have a kind of food fight over the war.

Q: At first, did you support the National Organization of Women and what they stood for?
A: Yes, I mean it didn’t really matter to me, there was kind of a lot of other stuff going on that I wasn’t really too involved in them.

Q: Do you believe that Nixon was guilty for the Watergate Scandal? Explain.
A: I do remember when that whole scandal started. I feel that he did have presidential privilege, but the way he went about it; if it was him; was sketchy.

Q: What is your opinion on the war going on now in Iraq against terrorism?
A: I feel that it is very tragic, but is very necessary.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Gilded age acrostic post


A-American federation of labor
E-ellis island

Fights (unit 4 assignment 1)

I’ve been in a few verbal fights only because I get mad really easily. But the one I recall the clearest was one that I got into because I had my friends back. Basically they were friends at one point and then my friend Haley broke up with her boyfriend and immediately after they broke up, her friend Aubrey started dating him and started talking about Haley. So we all went up to Wal-mart so Haley could face her. We ended up in the parking lot with Haley and Aubrey yelling at each other and then Aubrey decided to call me a whore. Now I don’t even know this girl and she had no right to say something about me without knowing anything about me. So I started yelling at her and she was yelling back. It ended up with the Wal-mart security coming out and we just left. If I were to see her today we would probably start fighting because it was never resolved and I still strongly dislike her for many reasons. It didn’t really hurt our relationship because I have never liked her from things I’ve heard but I did learn not to start something in a public area.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Getting Involved in other People's Business

In a lot of situations it is not necessary to get involed in business that has nothing to do with you. But there are certain exceptions. One would be if your friend asks you to help out. Another could be you getting pulled into the situation. Im not going to lie, I have had my share of sticking my nose where it doesn't belong, and I have gotten in trouble for it. But in my situation I just always have my friend's back. For example, I heard some things about my friend that were not true, and before I even asked her what she wanted me to do, I started yelling. I had no right to, but I just couldn't help it. That was probably a situaion that I should not have gotten involved in before talking to her about it.

Monday, March 24, 2008

The richest people in our country (unit 5, assignment 1)

I would have to say that Bill Gates is the richest person in our country. In my opinion, he actually deserves his money. Bill Gates developed Microsoft computers giving him billions of dollars a year. I do envy Bill Gates because I have never had money I could just spend on whatever I wanted, and I think it would be cool to have an unlimited fund, but then again I am the type of person that loves their privacy. I wouldn't be able to deal with the paparazi and constant attention on my kids and house. Bill Gates is extremely smart about how he uses his money; in many occasions he has helped plenty of charities and spent his money wisely.

Monday, February 11, 2008

How can growing up be both exciting and painful(unit three, assignment one)

Growing up is one of the most important things in life. Not only because that's how you live, you grow up, but because you are, in turn, bettering yourself. Growing up can in many ways be one of the worst experiences in your life. This could be because you were forced to grow up too fast. For example, the loss of a parent can make you grow up faster than you ever wanted to. When I was nine I lost my mom, and the moment she died I had to grow up. I had to be the mom for my little brother because my dad was always working. This was one of the most painful ways for me to grow up, but it made me a stronger, more mature person. Growing up can also be an exciting experience. When you get your own car, or apartment, or house these are all exciting things, but in order to keep these things you have to grow up and take care of your stuff. Some believe when you get older you grow up, but I personally don't believe that. I feel that you grow up when you mature, which could be at any given age ranging from 1 to 100. You just have to have experience and wisdom to understand eveything you need to know to survive on your own.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Life during the Boston Tea Party (unit two, assignment six)

From reading this passage I learned that the Boston Tea Party was a complete secret from everybody. Nobody knew who eachother was on the boat and nobody knew who was responsible. The Boston Tea Party was purely out of choice of the people, and nobody was forced and nobody was blamed. I also learned that it wasn't some big riot being held on a British ship, but that it was actually extremely quiet. The only thing you could really hear were the crates going "plop" into the water. That actually suprised me because you would think that it would have been a big loud party with everything being damaged, but the only thing that was actually damaged was the tea.

Monday, February 4, 2008

The six purposes for our government (unit two, assignment one)

In my opinion, I would have to say that there are actually six purposes of the government. In the preamble of the Constitution, it says that they establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. These in my eyes are the main purposes of our government, to provide for our people. If it came down to it I think I would be happy to help out in a revolution if ever our government wasnt doing what they are suppost to do for our rights. I wouldn't be willing to just get up and start a riot for no reason, but if they were not helping our economy and our people then they dont deserve to be in power anymore.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

"A well ordered family" in colonial times

After reading the document "A Well Ordered Family" I can see very clearly that colonial families were run quite differently than they are today. It supprised me how the man had all of the power in the relationship, but now women tend to be more dominate. That of course is not always the case. A lot of relationships are a partnership; the work is shared and the love is mutual. Also now a days wives make a good amount of income and most of the time could stand on their own if need be. It also supprised me how they had to stay together no matter what. Not that it's bad because I think that a lot of families would be a lot better if the parents just dealt and went through with what they started. But there are many situations where it is almost impossible to stay together. For example, abuse. Abuse is one of the most common reasons for divorce, and I'm not just talking about men abusing women. I can name countless times when the woman is in fact abusing the man. So I don't understand how people back in colonial times could stay together through everything. In a way colonial times would have been better but women have to have power as well.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Michelle's U.s History Immigration Blog

What motivates immigrants to come to the United States (today)? Consider what they lose and what they can gain in your argument.
I believe immigrants come to the United States for a better life. Whether its for a better job, more freedom, or escaping a war in their own country. The United States of America has approximately 1,000,000 immigrants a year since 2000. So that is an obvious fact that America is a very powerful and free country. You have freedom of speech, religion, and education for any gender. There are untold amounts of things that these immigrants could be leaving behind. Possibly family, friends, houses and anything that could have meaning in their life, but in the long run it could be worth it. It's a life changing experience that many people come to love.
If I was to ever move or immigrate to a different country, it would most likely be for economic reasons because in America you have all the freedom you need or can handle. But it is very possible that a different country could have a better job for me. Like fashion in Paris or technology in Japan. It all depends on what it is you want to do.